I will say to the prisoners, ‘Come out in freedom,’
and to those in darkness, ‘Come into the light.’
They will be my sheep, grazing in green pastures
and on hills that were previously bare.
They will neither hunger nor thirst.
The searing sun will not reach them anymore.
For the LORD in his mercy will lead them;
he will lead them beside cool waters.
~ Isaiah 49:9-10 (NLT)  

Saturday, July 01, 2006

0102. Dress Style

More than one person said something about dressing to me. I am not good at dressing myself and so used to the same styles and colours. Finding out a different dressing style is fun. The other day, I found out a brand of jeans, which have some enhancement on the leg shapes. It looks great and I will find a time to try them in store. But since I can't stand the heat, so there is no pants in the summer yet. I hope I won't over doing this :)

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