I will say to the prisoners, ‘Come out in freedom,’
and to those in darkness, ‘Come into the light.’
They will be my sheep, grazing in green pastures
and on hills that were previously bare.
They will neither hunger nor thirst.
The searing sun will not reach them anymore.
For the LORD in his mercy will lead them;
he will lead them beside cool waters.
~ Isaiah 49:9-10 (NLT)  

Friday, February 29, 2008

0148. Kingdom of Heaven is ...

[Notes of Sermon] Parables of kingdom of heaven

Scripture:Matt. 13:31-33,44-46

. Kingdom of heaven starts from small
. Kingdom of heaven requires taking root in a long term
. The rule of growing faith
. Invisible influence

. Change the life that was dry and hard
. Prayer - is generator
. Wait on God
. Love

. The value of kingdom of heaven is hidden
. The value of kingdom of heaven is discoverable
. Kingdom of heaven is worthy at any price with joy
. Kingdom of heaven is the most beautiful

Rev 21:10-22:2
. Bright and pure
. Discriminable
. Rooted with fundation which will not be shaken
. Ordered
. diverse and abundant
. Glorious
. Satisfiable and healing


Sunday, February 17, 2008

0147. Having Fun

Just two working days after Chinese New year break, I already taking days off to have fun. Well, of course I got invitation from someone else otherwise I will be in the office! But I am not used to go out with those who do not have to work and no plan. It is a challenge to me since I have to work. It was good there was a overall plan, otherwise I couldn't stand it.

We went to Tainan visiting two historic spots and some local foods. But the foods are not what I heard from TV or magazines. Local people took us to dine different taste. We stayed at a friend's apartment in Kaohsiung. The next day, we went to National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium. Because the long distance, we only had half day over there. It was not enough! I want more. So I will find another chance to go there. The third day, I took a long walk around the Love River in Kaohsiung and then headed home first.

I think I should travel with plan myself. I can see my future trips includes Tainan local foods that I didn't get to have this time and visitor attractions, National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, and other visitor attractions in Kaohsiung.


Monday, February 11, 2008

0146. Winter Conference Notes

Time: Feb. 7-11, 2008
Location: Christ's College
Theme: Kingdom of Heaven

. Verse of 2008 is Heb 12:28 - Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,
. Read God's word earnestly, remember and think through
. When does the God's kingdom start? Pentecost
. Must have fountain
. Sing more
. Our king is full of power and authority, as well as love, moreover a friend.
. Let heavenly glory in every morning
. God's kingdom is not matter of eating, drinking, and words but of righteousness, peace, joy in the Holy Spirit and power.
. God's kingdom brings healing
. God's kingdom is from least to many, from small to large, from point to all, narrow entrance (Mat 13:18-23, 31-32, 33, Lk 18:24-30)
. God's kingdom can not be observed by eyes but sits within our hearts
. Is God your king?
. What we obey is what rule over us
. Never think you are important
. Just near Him, sit beside Him
. Make Him happy as in love