Our CEO said in one of the interview that the innovation is not a me-too product. Even though working in this company is not easy, I have to admit that he has a special view of everything, which makes the company where it is. I admire those who can put all their lives to work but I don't envy them. I am not going to deny the fact that I still wish to go back to North America even though I have no idea when. Recently, I have read a little book by Philip Yancy, about Guidance. I suddenly excite to see God's guidance next time. One thing I am sure of is the proof of peace within.
I will say to the prisoners, ‘Come out in freedom,’
and to those in darkness, ‘Come into the light.’
They will be my sheep, grazing in green pastures
and on hills that were previously bare.
They will neither hunger nor thirst.
The searing sun will not reach them anymore.
For the LORD in his mercy will lead them;
he will lead them beside cool waters.
~ Isaiah 49:9-10 (NLT)
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
0129. Kokonotsu
Play Sudoku for a while. There are several reason that I enjoy playing. First, my major was pure Mathematics in University. Second, I had done some study on this topic in last year at University. (I will organize my study and present this another time.) Third, I never can resist those puzzles. Forth, it is good way to procrastinate.
Sudoku is one of the Magic Square. Magic Square is nxn square slots and fill in 1-n2 in each nxn slot. The sum of each row, column or diagonal must the same. Sudoku is variant of 9x9 magic square which only use 1-9. In addition, 1-9 only present once in row and column, as well as in each 3x3 square within the 9x9 square.
The end of April of this year, I found a more challenge game. It is called Super Sudoku or Kokonotsu. It has one more game rule - 1-9 only present once in diagonal as well. I found a web version of this game, www.kokonotsu.info. It takes a long time to solve. Try it when you have lots of time to spare.
Labels: Life Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 10:54 p.m. 0 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
0128. Music and Radio
Besides a radio and computers, I did install the TV in my apartment. That's because I am very easy to stay in front of TV whole day. Also, I didn't have a TV set to begin with. My brother sent over his old TV set couple months back. He specifically told me to get the cable. After those months, I didn't touch it a bit. I don't have much time after work. Mostly, time is taken by the house chores. So rather, I turn the radio. I found this radio show, named "love you 22 hours" (because the time it broadcast is at 22 hour). Most of time, the conversation in the radio show is meaningless. But it is good way to relax after a whole day work.
I had been hestitated to go for a concert or opera. Lately, I have taken steps to go for three concerts -- A'Cappella ExpreSSS, Cotton Club Singers, Klazz Brothers & Cuba Percussion. They are great. I haven't attended one that I didn't enjoy. I am going to keep going once or twice each month.
ps. I don't think many will go to those concert alone like me. I wish I am not alone.
Labels: Life Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 6:27 a.m. 0 comments