Daily Rules from God for 2008
1. Wake Up!!
Decide to have a good day. "Today is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalms 118:24
2. Dress Up!!
The best way to dress up is to put on a smile. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks. "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearance; but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7
3. Shut Up!!
Say nice things and learn to listen. God gave us two ears and one mouth, so He must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking. "He who guards his lips guards his soul." Proverbs 13:3
4 . Stand Up!!
For what you believe in. Stand for something or you will fall for anything.. "Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good..." Galatians 6:9-10
5. Look Up!!
To the Lord. "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." Phillippians 4:13
6. Reach Up!!
For something higher. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, And He will direct your path." Proverbs 3:5-6
7. Lift Up!!
Your Prayers. "Do not worry about anything; instead PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING." Philippians 4:6
God answers Knee-Mail.
I will say to the prisoners, ‘Come out in freedom,’
and to those in darkness, ‘Come into the light.’
They will be my sheep, grazing in green pastures
and on hills that were previously bare.
They will neither hunger nor thirst.
The searing sun will not reach them anymore.
For the LORD in his mercy will lead them;
he will lead them beside cool waters.
~ Isaiah 49:9-10 (NLT)
Monday, December 31, 2007
0142. [Email Share] Daily Rules from God for 2008
Labels: Fm Net Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 1:24 a.m. 0 comments
0141. December
Time flies fast. December is about to end. I had several days off because I didn't go home for Christmas. I didn't write blogs this month because I didn't record things that were happened. Now, I can't remember much of first half of the month. Second half of the month was focus on Christmas. As usual, we had Christmas dinner and celebration, Children's Christmas celebration and Carolling at Hospital. Last thing to finish this year is the prayer meeting.
Labels: NB Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 1:23 a.m. 0 comments
Monday, November 26, 2007
0140. Pray And Thanks
[Reflection of Sermon] Heavenly Melody in the Heart II - A Grateful Heart
01. 2 Cor 2:14
02. 1 Tim 1:12 -- Grateful for the strength
03. Col 1:12-14 -- Grateful for the salvation
Holy Spirit s\comes to reveal Jesus in us
and to reveal sins within us;
So we know what required changes and what are two-sided wihtin us
04. Ro 6:17 -- Grateful for obidence
05. Ro 7:21-25 -- Grateful for the power to overcome sinful natures
06. Phil 4:11-13 -- Grateful and contented
The richest person is the one who is always thankful in any situation.
07. Ps 50:14, 23 -- Thank offering is the most holy sacrifice which a saint can offer.
God works easier and faster on those who have a thankful heart.
Spirit of thanksgiving brings perfect (blameless)
08. Phil 4:4-7 -- Pray, Petition, and Thank
09. Phil 2:14-16 -- NO complains and argues
10. Heb 12:27-29 -- With reverence and awe,
grateful for the unshakable kingdom within us
11. Mat 11:20-30 -- Praise
Pray = Admit the fact that we need to be changed
The most profound prayer is non-stopping obidence to God. In other words, take the Lord's yoke and learn from hi,.
My reflection:
. Patience with collegues
. Estabilish an attitude of giving thanks
. Thank you God for the
Unshakable kingdom within me
Choices to make
Labels: Reflection, SermonNotes Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 4:56 a.m. 0 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
0139. God takes over things that I let go
[Reflection of Sermon] The Holy Spirit who he is and what he does I
Scripture: Eph 5:18
** Who is he? **
Jn 14:16-21; 1 Jn 2:1
Counselor, the Spirit of truth
In Greek, it has the meaning of lawyer, helper, counselor, comforter.
Holy Spirit is a different form of Jesus.
Jesus was counselor to disiples while he was on earth (Lawyer and encouragement).
R. A. Torey: How shall Holy Spirit gain me and use me?
** My reflection **
What are the things which I shall let go and let God take over?
. Ambition
. Future
. Health
. Unsatisfied
Labels: Reflection, SermonNotes Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 11:13 p.m. 0 comments
0138. Love Muji
I metioned in the last blog about Muji. Let me say more about their products.
After I came back to Taiwan, I have visited Muji from time to time. My brother introduced this store to me. And I like the simple style they have. Many objects are so simple which I can do some painting on them whenever I feel like it. I started to check their stationary and some travel-size bottles. Last year, I checked out their clothing and storage boxes/tools. I like their clothings because most of them are made by cotton and/or linen which are comfortable to wear. Storage boxes/tools have tones of varierty. Here are some prodcuts I enjoyed. Like pen, the pen outside is made stronger than most of pen I know. So just change to the ink most of time. They have a double usage pen, pen and mechanical pencil together. Just twist the pen to select pen or pencil. It's very nice and good to use. Their storage bag is good too. I used it as separation within a big bag. I just move the storage bag when I need to change bag. Things from Japan have good quality which I trust.
I usually don't pay attention to the design details. Lately, Muji has a promotion activity, which shows the design logic behind the product. Now I know the reason why their products are good. Beside the storage bag I just metioned, there are several other products. One product is a stationary bag, A4 or A5 size. It is not thick, have many pen holders on the side, and two big pockets outside. Like storage bag, I just move things from original bag to another by moving this stationary bag. Another design is a extra hole on the tips of umbrella. It is used to quickly spot your umbrella by tie a string or something on the hole. I also use that hole to hang the umbrella in the office after I used it. Oh, and this umbrella is quick to dry. They also sell one kind of socks which is only covers the bottom of feet (good when ladies doesn't want to wear panty horse). Their socks can stay on the feet without falling of so easily like other brands. The reason is that their design is 90 angled.
This is how I fall in love with it!
Labels: NB Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 11:00 p.m. 0 comments
Sunday, November 11, 2007
0137. What shall leave at alter?
[Reflection of Sermon] Heavenly Melody in the Heart I - Longing for God
Scripture: Gal 1:13-17; Phil 3:3-16
. He is an artist knife turning defects to merit.
. Is Chist my beloved/treaure in my heart?
. Anthing that take this place shall treat as rubbish and shall leave at alter -> Take me away from longing fro God
What shall leave at alter? Maybe emotion, maybe ambition.
** My reflection **
What shall I put on the alter?
. Emotion
. Heart
. Thoughts
. Enjoy good material things
. Control
Labels: Reflection, SermonNotes Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 11:11 p.m. 0 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2007
0136. Notebook
Recently I was reading some financial magazines and decided to do better control of my financial. So I surf the net to find some book keeping notebook information. I accidentally found this Japaneses notebook. I found this from a Chinese mobile web forum site. I dig into this and found many ways of using it. It can be used not only as a notebook or book keeping, but also put clips, class notes, photos, weight change record. Many of those who used this notebook and shared their experience have several notebooks at one time. It is not very big, pocket size. So finally, I ordered it. Now I am waiting to receive the goodies and try it myself.
Upto this point, I have to say I love those goods made from Japanese. Muji is an example. Their goods are a little expansive but friendly to use. From stationary, little bottles and cans, to clothings and household stuff, many of them are great and friendly to use. Sometimes, I wonder whether I am too luxury.
Labels: NB Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 2:23 a.m. 0 comments
Monday, November 05, 2007
0135. Little things happened
Today, I wear a pair of gray shoes my mom and I brought early this on the street side. They are cheap but comfy. But close the end of day, I found the bottom piece of left shoe is missing and later the right one falls out too. So it is officially going into the trash can.
And, surprisingly I had a heavy headache, which been a long time since I had a headache. Maybe because the cold air.
One more thing, I have been using 3G to get on to the net. I am going to switch to 3.5G. It is faster and nicer now because it has USB adapter now. I just need to get it work for my mac.
Labels: NB Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 1:32 a.m. 0 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
0134. Work Swirl (17)
July, we moved to a new building to work. Time flies fast. It is almost four months passed by. At work, there are good and bad things. Even though I am working within my specialty, but often feel like being a QA. It is hard to knowing what top management desires. Quite a few left the company. Right now, I think I am getting into the mood of leaving again, though not that strong. Tired!
Labels: Work Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 1:20 a.m. 0 comments
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
0133. A little note
Today is Taiwan national holiday. Michael and Mei were just back from their trip to North America. So I visited them at their apartment. Michael cooked spaghetti and baked brownies. We had a good time. They also got me a new iPod nano.
Labels: NB Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 12:50 a.m. 0 comments
Friday, October 05, 2007
0132. Interesting Stuff I found
Today, I went out with a friend. She took me to check out some cool places such as a stationary store, art supply stores, and a cosmetic store. Well, this type of cosmetic store sells not only cosmetic also variety of stuff, kitchenware, household supply and food. Those bottles of soft drink are one of interesting stuff I found Today. They are actually transparent bottles. I thought this is really cool to see how much is drink!
Another thing I found is this. I heard a brand name could sell like couple hundred dollars. But in this door, it only costs $40 dollars.
It is actually a cup cover. I tried it on my mug. This is what it looks like.
Labels: Life Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 7:07 a.m. 0 comments
Thursday, October 04, 2007
0131. Where is Autumn???
They said, the weather should turn to cool after moon festival (late September). But so far, day light temperature is still over 30 degree celcius. Not only that, we are having a typhoon this weekend. This is definitely wired.
This summer is not very easy for me since I am still used to Vancouver cooler weather. I am very slowly to adjust to this hot weather. It's amazing how our body systems work. It adjusts to the environment by itself. Really amazing!
Labels: Life Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 5:27 a.m. 0 comments
Friday, September 28, 2007
0130. Guidance
Our CEO said in one of the interview that the innovation is not a me-too product. Even though working in this company is not easy, I have to admit that he has a special view of everything, which makes the company where it is. I admire those who can put all their lives to work but I don't envy them. I am not going to deny the fact that I still wish to go back to North America even though I have no idea when. Recently, I have read a little book by Philip Yancy, about Guidance. I suddenly excite to see God's guidance next time. One thing I am sure of is the proof of peace within.
Labels: Work Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 11:35 p.m. 0 comments
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
0129. Kokonotsu
Play Sudoku for a while. There are several reason that I enjoy playing. First, my major was pure Mathematics in University. Second, I had done some study on this topic in last year at University. (I will organize my study and present this another time.) Third, I never can resist those puzzles. Forth, it is good way to procrastinate.
Sudoku is one of the Magic Square. Magic Square is nxn square slots and fill in 1-n2 in each nxn slot. The sum of each row, column or diagonal must the same. Sudoku is variant of 9x9 magic square which only use 1-9. In addition, 1-9 only present once in row and column, as well as in each 3x3 square within the 9x9 square.
The end of April of this year, I found a more challenge game. It is called Super Sudoku or Kokonotsu. It has one more game rule - 1-9 only present once in diagonal as well. I found a web version of this game, www.kokonotsu.info. It takes a long time to solve. Try it when you have lots of time to spare.
Labels: Life Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 10:54 p.m. 0 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
0128. Music and Radio
Besides a radio and computers, I did install the TV in my apartment. That's because I am very easy to stay in front of TV whole day. Also, I didn't have a TV set to begin with. My brother sent over his old TV set couple months back. He specifically told me to get the cable. After those months, I didn't touch it a bit. I don't have much time after work. Mostly, time is taken by the house chores. So rather, I turn the radio. I found this radio show, named "love you 22 hours" (because the time it broadcast is at 22 hour). Most of time, the conversation in the radio show is meaningless. But it is good way to relax after a whole day work.
I had been hestitated to go for a concert or opera. Lately, I have taken steps to go for three concerts -- A'Cappella ExpreSSS, Cotton Club Singers, Klazz Brothers & Cuba Percussion. They are great. I haven't attended one that I didn't enjoy. I am going to keep going once or twice each month.
ps. I don't think many will go to those concert alone like me. I wish I am not alone.
Labels: Life Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 6:27 a.m. 0 comments
Friday, August 31, 2007
0127. Album
I change the album a little bit. Not all albums are opend to the public. Only those who receive invitation letter have right to view the private album. In addition, some public albums will be closed after a certain time.
Currently, album is updated with my trip to Beijing. Trip to Seattle will be updated later. (Link is at right hand side, under MY OTHER SITE)
Labels: NB Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 6:47 a.m. 0 comments
0126. Blue
I am so blue these two days. Many frustrations and things I can not do too much of are piling up suddenly. In addition, I am so tired and sleepy most of the time. Today, I put on earphones and listening to music. This song from Jeff Ma flows out - "Discovery of Heart". The lyrics is about thinking flying high above like sparrows, to see if there is new discovery. And we will slowly discover God is so beautiful. The rhym is light and turns off my blue mood. Music does make a difference. Thanks God.
Note: Jeff Ma was a famous singer in Taiwan who recently past away.
Labels: Life Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 6:46 a.m. 0 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2007
0125. After Typhoon Left
Today, I cleaned the front and back balconies, as well as kitchen floor. I planned to do this cleaning Yesterday. But typhoon came by with strong wind and heavy rain. So I decided to the cleaning after typhoon left. At the end of cleaning, my thought jumps back to the old time.
All these days, I have been living alone. Part of living alone, the whole apartment is under my care. Even though the apartment is not mine, the chores and the hygiene are the same. I have been learning those bits by bits since I went to college (well, maybe I should say pay more attention to it). From applying accounts to recently refrigerator problem I have, I am grateful for these experiences. Moreover, it has been chanllenge to balance life and work. Work is heavy and the chores are still there. Finding time to maintain the good living space is not that easy. And I am still struggling. I am glad all the difficulties and chanllenge right now - before marriage.
p.s. One of reason I decided to clean my balconies is the cat problem I have lately. Two cats have been playing in the front balcony and damaged the plants. Also there are wild cats, which may have some flea. Cleaning balconies (with bleach) will help reduce any potential problem of hygiene. And hopefully, cats will be away because the bleach smell.
pps. I felt pretty good after this big cleaning.
Labels: Life Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 6:28 a.m. 0 comments
Saturday, August 18, 2007
0124. Typhoon Day
Typhoon day, a good day stay home doing what I like. Besides crafting, I was on the internet and listening to the radio. Two subjects got my interests: Travel
Danny's Travel Blog (Chinese only) and a singer Freyar. Danny travels and write tool books. This will be a good reference when I need to travel for myself. As for singer Freya Lin, she has great voice. I heard her singing of "Kiss Me" - it's a fun version which worth listening. Another thing got my attentions are a sand animation artist Ilana Yahav. It is amazing to watch the video clips.
Today's craft I done: A box from milk carton box, 4 cards, two half-done frame/card. The progress is not too bad. Original plan of balcony cleaning postponed because the bad weather.
Labels: Life Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 6:23 a.m. 0 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
0123. Quote from Augustine of Hippo
Oh ! how shall I find rest in Thee ? Who will send Thee into my heart to inebriate it, that I may forget my woes, and embrace Thee my only good ? What art Thou to me ? ~Augustine of Hippo (Saint Augustine) in The Confessions Book I
(my reflection)
What a prayer! I was touched by the Chinese translation and find out the original text. I am now interesting to read the entire Saint Augustine's The Confessions.
Labels: Thoughts Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 6:18 a.m. 0 comments
Saturday, July 28, 2007
0122. Miscellanies
Okay, I am lazy to cover every single thing for this period of time. So here is a quick cap on what happened in the past few months.
- On a business trip to Seattle from 18th April - 6th May
- Someone said I am excellent. Well, I just don't see it from my point of view. I just have many interests and know a bit of more...
- Service notes: Meek/Gentle (praus, classic Greek) = Strength under perfect control (by God); A kind of Wisdom
- Find a mini blog: Twitter
- Another business trip to Beijing from 23rd - 28th July.
Labels: NB Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 6:53 a.m. 0 comments
0121. Business Trip
This is the wired business trip I have. First of all, monthly friend decided to visit on Tuesday. Then, I got sick when I woke up on Wednesday. Thursday was the worst, stuffing nose while trying very hard to pay attention to paper presentation. So I was tired from the very beginning of this trip. Well, the best way to recover is to rest and lots of liquid. So I drink lots of water and sleep as much as I can. The amazing part is how fast I got recovered - I am almost recovered when I got up this morning.
Labels: Work Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 6:13 a.m. 0 comments
Friday, March 30, 2007
0120. CoffeeCat with Gina
Today, we had two guests to share in the fellowship, Coffee Cat and her friend Gina. They brought the idea of Contemporary Christina Music. I knew this type of music while I living in Canada. The music they brought combines the music style I like. I was totally enjoyed myself. Gina is planning to publish an album later this year. She said they pray more often than writing or record songs. I was really impressed. Their visit reminds me the days my friend and I having fun with songs...
Labels: NB Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 5:49 a.m. 0 comments
Friday, March 09, 2007
0119. Mind Mapping
Last Friday and Today, we took a short training on Mind Mapping. Besically, it taught us to organize, record and express information via images. It can used at self-introduction, as well as meeting minutes. Here is the example of my introduction.
Labels: Work Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 5:43 a.m. 0 comments
Thursday, March 01, 2007
0118. Visitation
I always remember the days that I visited Philippine workers. Someone mentioned that those Philippine workers who worked at nursing homes needs our visitation. They don't have holidays and their works are not easy. I was asked because English speaking was required. Every second Saturday afternoon, I would got and visit until my work required me to work on Saturdays. We usually sang some hymns, shared some God's word, asked what were their needs and prayed for them. Those days, God used the visitation to strength me and those visitations became my blessing. I never stopped my visits because of my personal reasons. Sometimes, I had things that bothered me. Another times, I was so tired. I got renewed and refreshed every time I finished the visitation. I am hoping I will have time to do visitations again, 'cause it is really a great experience.
Labels: Life, NB, Thoughts Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 11:07 p.m. 0 comments
Saturday, February 24, 2007
0117. Design and Living
My parents and I had a brief time with Uncle Yeh and Aunt Kong. We sat at their living room and found their apartment is well-used. They co-worked with the interior designer to design the living room. Uncle Yeh said "The interior designers don't visit the houses (or apartments) they did the design. Those designs are ruined after a few years. A lot of people don't live in the style of those designs." I totally agree. I have my own living style. If the house design is not fit to my life style, the design is pretty much useless to me. And very soon, my own living habits will turn the place to fit into my style. The original house design is just a waste.
What is my living style? I haven't figured that all out yet. But one is for sure. I would like to have a big study room - for computer(s), books, and crafts. The room will need a very good lighting, lots of shelves, computer desk/work table and maybe a nice couch. That's all I can think of right now :)
Labels: Life Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 11:04 p.m. 0 comments
0116. Random Thoughts
I never thought of how I wear when I was at North America. It seems like most of people don't dress up for a casual out (e.g. grocery shopping), unless you always do. People, at least I thought, usually wear a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Well, in Taiwan, people pay attention to the style even with jeans and T-shirt. I am used to think clean and neat are enough. But adding a little style is fun and enjoyable.
I often want to hide myself when I felt uncomfortable or not sure what to do. Partially, it is from my family. I also think I didn't have strong and frequent interactions with people in past. Coming back to Taiwan, under the strong and frequent people interactions, forces me to learn facing whatever comes to me. Good part of this is discovering ME that I don't know and the problems in ME. I suppose this is one of the reasons that God wants me back to Taiwan.
Labels: Thoughts Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 5:15 a.m. 0 comments
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
0115. Get on to the net
Tonight, I finally get my mac go online at home. Last summer, I went to get a 3G SIM card with GPRS enabled only. I didn't get the ADSL or Cable because I was about to move within a couple of months and I have a PPC from office which can be used as a modem. Also, 3G SIM card gives me the flexibility to move around. However, setting up with a Windows based PC or notebook is easy, but not with mac. After a few attempts, I still didn't successfully set up mac yet. I clean my office and found an ethernet line lying around, so mac now is connecting to web via my notebook and PPC modem. The speed is not fast as ADSL or Cable, but at least I don't have to do file transfer. I can also now post my blog online from home.
Labels: Life Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 5:11 a.m. 0 comments
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
0114. New year resolution & other notes
(Notes during Bible Study 20070116)
. We should make new year resolution. Here is why: climb up whenever we can even though we often slide down. Don't just go down straight to the bottom. At least try to climb up every time we have a chance. And maybe one day we will reach the top.
. We can have a good habit by making it happen.
. Pay attention to what is my opinions about God; meaning thinking of God
. Pay attention to the inner voice
Labels: SermonNotes Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 5:06 a.m. 0 comments
Sunday, January 07, 2007
0113. Winter Conference Notes
I was asked to share my harvest of this winter conference at the last meeting before leaving Vancouver. Here is the summary of that sharing.
- Knowing God
This is a reminder. Uncle Martin mentioned this on the afternoon of the second day. We may read the Bible often, worship God and sing praises and songs without knowing God. When we turn those activities into routines, none of Bible scripture we read and the songs we sang come into our hearts. This is also the reason that the behind will catch up.
- Work on the problems in my life
Sister Gerta told a story of a minister. He was a good minister except he had a ill temper. He never worked on his temper. His ill temper could get him hit his wife so his wife suffered a lot. After their kids grew up, his wife asked for a divorce. What a tragic.
Past a few years, God has showed the problems in my life. I didn't pay attention to them. This minister is a good mirror to me. I have to start to work on the problems; otherwise I will regret when I grow old. - "I am fine."
Ask Sister Gerta her preference of hot or cold water. Her answer was both are okay. Sometimes, we should learn not to have too much of our own opinion. It's hard for those who serve us when we are so picky on everything.
- Verse of 2007
The verse of this year is Psalm 32:8.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you and watch over you.
Several times in the past year, Pastor Tsao mentioned something like donot-move-till-you-are-sure type of message whenever I thought about job change. I felt confused. This verse comes as a comfort to me, knowing God is fully in control, instructing my walking and watching over me.
Labels: SermonNotes Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 5:01 a.m. 2 comments
Friday, January 05, 2007
0112. Seattle's Best
I can't believe it! The website lists there are stores in Vancouver. How should I know they had changed ownership, not until I got there. Well, so of course I didn't get the best coffee T_T But we got chance to try Canadian's best - Tim Horton!!!
Labels: Life Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 4:58 a.m. 0 comments
0111. White
This morning when I got up looking out the window, everything was white! What a surprise! The whole vacation was clear sky with a little rain but no snow at all. Perhaps this is the gift from God for Eva and me. Eva wants to see snow badly while I haven't seen snow for three years. And I got to do one of my favourite activities - shelving snow. Thanks, Big Daddy the God, nice gift on the last day of my vacation :) (I took some photos, which you may view in my album.)
Labels: Life Posted by daikitten (a.k.a CH) at 4:47 a.m. 0 comments